miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017



The book FROM THE UNIVERSE TO YOU is about a message from the universe, in the book the writer explain that we are here with one purpose and no-one else in the entire universe can do a better job of being you than you, no-one can do what you’re here to do. Your unique in the world and the world is incomplete without you. 

the author argue the book in three main ideas:


´´Happiness is not a destination you arrive at, it’s a journey, it’s a process that never ends and you can’t be done being happy.´´

  • Make your happiness a priority. 

Your purpose in life is Joy, and that’s more than achievable because the Joy you feel is determined by the thoughts you choose and not circumstances. As a matter of fact, circumstance come in response to the thoughts you have given great emotion to.

Make your happiness a priority, forget about what others will think or say because the only way to make those you love happy is by being happy yourself and for it just only get your priorities straightened out, and put happiness at the top of the list because if other things take precedence, they will interfere with your efforts to feel good, it’s not selfish to focus on your own happiness, it’s noble.

  • Do not postpone your happiness.

Happiness, this greatest of study, is not the work of your hands but the work of your heart. in the life are different phases when it comes to happiness, it’s happiness in your marriage, happiness in your job, happiness in your finances, happiness in your relationships with your family, friends, colleagues, etc. But it all begins with being happy with yourself, each phase has a graduation ceremony. Be sure to meet me in each stage. 
A smile is infectious and happiness is contagious. This is a scientific fact: That happiness spreads like a blessed desease. Being happy with yourself is loving yourself, that’s the highest form of emotion. And one thing that all fascinating people have in common is that they’re all in love with life.


You’re spirit substance, you’re non-physical but you do occupy that physical body, you’re a spirit living a human experience.Your life is here, waiting to be celebrated: If you don’t enjoy this day, if you don’t learn anything from this day and if you don’t take even a baby step towards your goal in this day then you’re messing up your life.  
Keep feeding your faith by imagining the best and expecting the best and sit back to watch your doubts die of hunger. 

´´It’s just a law The first step towards change is loss´´


´´IF  you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not people or objects´´

                                                                          -Albert Einstein
Forget about obstacles, they only thrive on your attention, you need a dream that’s bigger than your present circumstances, a kind of dream that calls you out of normalcy.   

There is something a thousand times more powerful than what your five senses can reveal to you, and it is the powerful vision you carry. Your physical senses show you what has been, not what will be, for direction: LOOK WITHIN.
It is unnecessary to revisit your past, there’ll never be anything new there, all you need to know is the next step forward.


Every great man or woman either in business, politics or religion has had to take numerous risks to get to new hights, instead of grumbling behind closed doors they rumbled in the presence of the great. If you’re not willing to risk the unusual, then you will have to settle for the ordinary.


The real power you’re after is the power to control your own thoughts, the power to create instead of competing.
You hear voices around saying:
 “You were born like this, this is how things are”.
“Accept the job you have, the most important thing is that you’re working, it does not matter if it’s within your academic level”.

You will be what you will to be, no matter what comes your way, it’s about time you start living... not merely surviving.  
Your present circumstances may be uncongenial, but it is an undeniable fact that they will not remain so for very long if you only percieve an ideal and strive to reach it. But be carefully because your imagination is like electricity, it’s meant to serve and simplify your life but it can also be hideously catastrophic when used without caution.

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