miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017



  • SUMMARY     📢

A Long Way Gone 
is the true story of Ishmael Beah, the story begins in Ishmael Beah's early youth in 1993.One day, Ishmael, his brother, and another friend walk to a neighboring village where they plan on rapping and dancing in a talent show while he is away Beah's village is attacked by the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) on his home village of Mogbwemo. From that moment, chaos envelops Beah's life as he seeks news of his family and survival for himself and his companions. Their day-to-day existence is a struggle of survival, and the boys find themselves committing acts they would never have believed themselves capable of, such as stealing food from children.

Ishmael is forced by the circunstances to becomes an boy soldier during a civil war in Sierra Leone, Ishmael is conscripted as a soldier by the army and he becomes in whose he feared: a person capable of horrible violence acts. The army becomes his family and in search of revenge he believes that each rebel death may avenge his own family's slaughter. The boy soldiers of the army are become in  addicted to cocaine, marijuana, and "brown brown," which give them the courage to fight and the ability to repress their emotions . Ishmael continues to soldier fiercely until his Lieutenant turns the boy soldiers over to UNICEF.

Ishmael is taken to a rehabilitation center, where only through the constant efforts of Esther, a UNICEF nurse, to treat him as a human being, not a monster, Beah is able to reconnect with his emotional self and he try to forget the terrors he has lived and did. he struggles to understand his past and to imagine a future. The love and compassion he finds at Esther opens up an understanding and forgiveness within himself. Ishmael is welcomed by his extended family in Freetown and is again saved by their support and kindness. Beah is sent to live with his uncle Tomy and his family in Freetown - then unaffected by the war. He struggles to assimilate among people who are happy all the time. 

Ishmael is chosen to go to New York City to speak to the United Nations about the effects of war on children. He learns that others like him have suffered and survived. He meets Laura Simms, a storyteller and his future foster mom, and sees the importance of sharing his experience with the world in hopes of preventing such horrors from happening to other children.

After Ishmael returns to Freetown, Sierra Leone, a coup by the RUF and the military ousts the civilian government, and the war that Ishmael has been avoiding catches up with him. After his uncle's death, Ishmael and his family in Freetown are in constant danger. Ishmael calls Laura Simms and asks if he can come live with her if he's able to escape from Sierra Leone. Laura says yes, and Ishmael starts out on a dangerous journey to neighboring Guinea in search of the way to his new life in the United States.


LAPPEI: A big cotton bich that women wrap around their waist
GARI: A grated and dried food made from cassava.
WAHLE:A place outside villages where people processed coffee or other crops.

9 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. The war is something that dont have something good, In a war, everyone loses(especially children) The story is heartbreaking and the author just wanted to show the pain that nobody see. When I was reading this book, I thought about the suffering that many people have in that places and in the majority of the cases the citizens from another countries they do not imagine.

  3. In this book express the effects have war and it's to difficult read of the pain show the author in this story.

  4. What a sad story! Sometimes we think that the people that are in the Army are like monsters but it is not like that... I like the attitude of Esther to see him as a human.
    Nice book.

  5. Wowww is a really shocking story and with a great message one of them forgiveness, as well as how we can be an example for others, as a result of what has been experienced.

  6. very interething at the same time very penfull, because is the true life in the war, the book have a excellent message

  7. The consequences of the war are very painful and affects to the next generations. Taking the story of this book, I consider that is important to avoid the violence. Our lives are more important than anything else.

  8. How important is to understand that violence is not going to take us to something positive we have to understand we are deteriorating next generations , so we should ask ourselves what we are going to do to make the change in the world?

  9. It is a interesting book! As de can see, if we want to survive in a war, the only thing that we can do is to find a better place to be heading because when there is war many innocent people die.
